Dominic Maître Reiki

Rates & Content
Reiki is free, but we live in a material world where everything else is not, as a result, Reiki practitioners and teachers are obliged to set fees for their services. For many "american" Reiki lineages, training is given in more or less 4 hours, for a total training period around 12 to 16 hours at a cost ranging between $1200 and $2500, and for older lineages, going over $10 000. My classes are taught in more or less 12 hours and the Master level between 15 and 18 hours; for a total training period around 52 hours and a total cost of $1620. There are several reasons why the price for Master training is higher. 1- Cost of life. Renting a hall and all expenses related to the class. 2- The previous levels the Master/Teacher makes very little money in order to be accessible, and balances the budget at Master level. 3- Students commitment. In older lineages the cost for Master level was $10 000, this way only students that where really ready and that had respect for the system that would commit. There is another lineage where the cost was not as high rendering the training more accessible, but while respecting a progressive price range that is symbolic of the students degree of commitment. Many people believe that taking the Mater level 4 class means that you have to teach. There is no obligation to teach. However, you must be serious about your Reiki practice and spiritual advancement.
In my price range the first levels are a little higher due to the unique workshops and the additional hours of training offered while still remaining accessible.
For those of you that are drawn to Reiki, one must listen and trust themselves and make the choice to seize the occasion. If one wants to see and be witness to a solar eclipse, one must go out and look while it is happening, one has to know how to appreciate what life offers and at the moment it offers it, it's a choice that belongs to the individual and only that individual can choose to seize the occasion.
The rates are fixed at modest prices in order to remain accessible to all rather than according to quality-price. Tips/contributions are welcome.
Usui/Holy Fire® III WP Reiki Classes :
Levels taught, base prices :
- Reiki Immersion Cost $88.50 (Groups only. Children 0 - 6 years old free, 7 - 12 half price)
- Level 1 Cost=$220
- Level 2 Cost=$270
- Level 3 advanced techniques Cost=$320
- Level 4 Master Cost= $820
Blue Star Reiki Classes:
- Level 1 Cost=$270
- Level 2 Master Cost=$420
Karuna Reiki®
- In one class=$1270
Note: Prices for room and board, and other activities are not included in the base prices, they may vary depending on location where classes are held. (Rates are in CAD$)
.Sessions at my home office and distance:
- 60$ for 1/2 to 1h
- 30$/h for additional time dividable into 15 minute portions
Example: rate for 1 1/2h = 75$
Note: $40 charge for appointments cancelled in less than 24 hour notice.
(Please note that starting August 1, 2021, the new rates for sessions have taken place, they went from 40$/h to 60$/h for the first hour and from 20$/h for the following hours to 30$/h.)
. Sessions at your residence:
- $10 more than the regular rate + displacement fees.
- Space clearing in person or at a distance. Rate case by case.
- In person sessions are payable in cash only.
- Distance sessions are payable before the session. Payable by Interac direct deposit in online banking, to email or text; or PayPal (up to 5% surcharge may apply to payments made through PayPal). Confirm payment method over the phone, text, email, or messenger.
. Training/Classes : The rates vary depending on the level, number of participants and the location the class is given. I offer a 25% discount from the base prices for my students of their respective levels that wish to retake a class. (Group classes only, fresh manuals not included).
. Evaluation and coaching consultations :
This is addressed to two categories of students. 1- Students from this "school" in preparation to move to the next level or simply for their own personal needs. 2- Students from other Reiki lineages in order to evaluate their admissibility to the classes offered by this "school", this evaluation consists of validating what the student was taught in order to verify the compatibility and to evaluate what the student has learned, then a recommendation will be made to answer to the students needs.
60$ the first hour then 30$ per hour the following hours, fees for new manuals of the levels reviewed are not included and are only for my students. 1/2 h can be allocated to give a session to the teacher in order to evaluate your approach and technique.
. Reiju-Kai: For my students 60$ - Q: Why re-Attunements/Placements, Ignitions or other Holy Fire upgrades? A: Each re-Attunement/Placement or re-Ignition or upgrade reinforces and refines your connection to Reiki.
. Displacement fees : 0.60$/km subject to change according to cost of living, plus all other fees encountered depending on the location, example : meals, lodging, etc.
- Training/Classes: A deposit equivalent to 1/3 of the advertised amount must be payed to reserve your place; the balance owed must be paid in full before the beginning of class. You must confirm your presence at least seven days prior to the class date. Payable in cash, direct deposit to email or text. Confirm method of payment over the phone, text, email, messenger or Skype. All mentioned, according to instructions provided when registering.
In the event that you must cancel, you must let the teacher know before the limit date posted, (In any case) There are No reimbursements on deposits, your deposit will be kept for expenses incurred.
In the event that the teacher must cancel for whatever reason, the deposits will be held for a later date.
In the event that we do not have a sufficient amount of students, class will have to be canceled for the scheduled date. In this situation, under certain conditions determined by the teacher, class will be rescheduled or if indicated only 5% of the total amount will be withheld and non reimbursable for administrative fees.
Contact me for more information.

Class content: Usui/Holy Fire III WP Reiki
Reiki Immersion is a class that I was guided to create in 2017 and was taught for the first time in 2018.
Reiki Immersion is Reiki at is simplest essence. Seniors and Children all are welcome. If you feel drawn to Reiki but are intimidated by all the "energy talk" and simply want the bare essentials; or maybe you're on a tight schedule and don't have time for the two day class and want to get started; or simply want to come and refresh yourself in a group practice, Objective is to start to open your mind and learn a simple self help routine using Reiki. This class precedes level 1, but is not a necessary step for the regular Reiki training.
- One Holy Fire experience
- One Reiki Placement
- 3-4 hours class
- Certificate.
- Groups only
- Available at a distance
Level 1 :
Prerequisits : Must be drawn to Reiki
- 66 page Class manual
- Two days, approximately 8 - 12 hours of class time
- Reiki and its origins
- The « Holy Fire »
- Usui Reiki methods level 1
- Chakra basics
- Reiki 1 Placement
- Holy Fire experience
- Lots of practice time in class
- Homework
Contact me for further information
Level 2 :
Prerequisites: Must have completed level 1 Reiki with proof
- 97 page class manual + appendix
- Two days, approximately 8 - 12 hours total class time
- Basic energy system
- Basic anatomy guide
- Session guide
- Symbols and their uses
- Learn how to give distance sessions
- Reiki 2 Placement
- Holy Fire experience
- Lots of practice time in class
- Homework
Contact me for further information
Blue Star Celestial Reiki
Level one two days
Prerequisites: Must have at least a Usui Reiki level 2, a level 3 practitioner (of 4 levels) is preferable, with proof, demonstrate the appropriate aptitudes and have a satisfactory level of experience with the Usui Reiki symbols and techniques.
- 128 page detailed manual
- Class time between 8 to 12 hours
- Blue Star level 1 attunement
- 4 meditations
- 7 Practitioner symbols and their uses
- Practice time in class
- Available at a distance
Level 2 Master two days
Prerequisites: Must be a Usui Reiki Master with proof and demonstrate the necessary experience and competence.
- 77 page detailed manual
- Approximately 10 to 15 hours total class time
- Blue Star level 2 Master attunement
- 6 meditations
- 7 Master symbols and their uses
- The "Reiki Gift"
- Practice time in class
Karuna Reiki®
Levels 1, 2 & Master. 3 day class
Prerequisite: Must be a Reiki Master (last level) for at least 6 months.
Karuna Reiki is a very gentle and compassionate energy helping with delicate issues on a very deep level, very well structured and step by step processes.
- Manual from the ICRT
- Class time 6 - 8 hours per day
- Level one 4 symbols
- Level two 4 symbols
- Master level 1 symbol
- Holy Fire experiences and Ignitions
- Practice time in class
Level 3 advanced techniques:
Prerequisites: Must have completed level 1 & 2 with proof and demonstrate the necessary experience and competence.
- 77 page Class manual + appendix
- Two days, approximately 8 - 12 hours total class time
- Chakras and aura more in depth
- Using crystals
- Advanced techniques
- Symbol
- Reiki 3 Placement
- Holy Fire experience
- Lots of practice time in class
- Homework
Contact me for further information
Level 4 Master:
Prerequisites: Must have completed levels 1, 2, and 3 with proof and demonstrate the necessary experience and competence. (***See notes below.)
- Class manual from the ICRT 180 pages
- Three day class, approximately 15 to 18 hours total class time
- Symbol
- Learn to give all levels of Reiki Attunements and Placements
- Healing attunement
- Ignition of the Holy Fire
- Learn to guide the Holy Fire Experiences, Placements and Ignitions
- Lots of practice time and revision in class
Contact me for further information
Note that certain conditions apply in order to preserve the integrity of the system and the teachings of the Usui/Holy Fire Reiki lineage and that of Blue Star Celestial Reiki.
Certificates for attunements and classes received at a distance, on internet or Skype, DVD or other that have not been conducted in person are not admissible.
The teacher reserves the right to accept or refuse admissibility to a class for non discriminate reasons. Admissibility to classes following level 1, the student may be subject to an interview with the teacher in order to evaluate the individual’s level of practice and comprehension in order to ensure that the student is ready and makes a smooth and pleasant transition from one level to another. The interview is generally conducted over the phone; in certain cases the teacher may request a practical evaluation in person from the student that is applying (notably applications superior to level 2 and those from other lineages), this is at students expense .
***Because of the numerous different Reiki lineages and teachings that can vary considerably, application to Master level Usui/Holy Fire Reiki is only admissible to my students and students of the same lineage in order to preserve the integrity and quality of the teachings of this lineage. Proof required and subject to an interview and evaluation.
Note that admissibility to Blue Star Celestial Reiki level 1 is recommended that you have completed at least level 2 and preferable to have a level 3 in four levels, regardless of the lineage, with proof and subject to an interview. Blue Star Master level requires that you are already a Reiki Master regardless of the lineage (the last level of your lineage), with proof and subject to an interview.
If you have any questions in this regard do not hesitate to contact me I will be happy to answer.