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Hello and welcome to Qigong with Dominic
Dominic Audet Qigong instructor. He teaches methods from Jianshen Qigong and Zhineng Qigong.
Qi Gong, comes from the Chinese culture, " Qi" refers to vital energy and "Gong" designates mastery of an art that is acquired from a regular practice and discipline. They are physical and breathing exercise routines that help to improve and to maintain health. They are holistic exercises, meaning that they work on every aspect of the being, the physical, the mental, the emotional, the energetic and the spiritual.
Jian shen Qigong
Jiànshēn qìgōng 健 身 气 功 translates as "physical exercise that provides energy", or more officially as "Qigong to fortify the health".
They are Qigong methods developed and promoted by the China Bureau of Sports Qigong Association. The Association of Jianshen Qigong of China (AJQC) is a national organization that has for objective to conduct research on Qigong and to develop and promote Qigong for health. In order to create authentic Qigong methods that respect tradition, while being shure, efficient et and adapted to teaching in a modern context. The AJQC has the mandate to conserve the Chinese cultural heritage in matters of exercises for health and to facilitate their diffusion and practice in China, and through-out the world. From the home base in the capital of Beijing, the AJQC has four comities in charge of training activities, scientific research, news and updates, as well as exchanges and communications.
From these researches, 9 Qigong methods have been put forward by the AJQC : Ba Duan Jin, le Yi Jin Jing, Wu Qin Xi, Liu Zi Jue, Shi Er Duan Jin, Taiji Yangsheng Zhang, Daoyin Yangsheng Gong Shier Fa, Mawangdui Daoyin Shu and Da Wu. These nine methods are founded on big research projects based on the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), modern medicine, sport physiology, psychology and other knowledge in regards to physical activity. The methods reunite the quintessence of different Qigong approaches as well as the knowledge and experience of many Qigong experts and health professionals. The methods elaborated are therefore very rich and propose a scientific approach, easy to understand and to practice, and procure many pronounced benefits. These methods are appreciated by Qigong adepts in China and world wide. (1)
We offer four of them:
- Bā duàn jǐn 八 段 锦 (eight piece brocades)
- Yì jīn jīng 易 筋 經 (maintenance exercise of the muscles and tendons)
- Wǔ qín xì 五 禽 戏 (5 animal frolic)
- Liù zì jué 六 字 訣 (the 6 sounds)
(It is preferable to have a little experience in one of the first two before trying one of the last two.
More details to come on the content and classes offered.)
Zhineng Qigong
Zhìnéng qìgōng 智 能 气 功 translates as " mental intelligence that provides energy".
In China, there exists many forms of physical and spiritual cultivation practices issued from different schools, for example: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, martial arts and traditional chines medicine.
Zhineng Qigong, developed by the Doctor Pang He Ming, reunites the quintessence of these different schools in one complete and structured system.
This method combines ancient wisdom and new knowledge of medicine and psychology, it is recognized for its impressive powerful auto-therapeutic efficiency and by its wide accessibility.
This is why zhineng is one of the most practiced methods in China and through-out the world.
Zhineng Qigong has an ascending practice through the levels, based on three principal methods : (2)
- Zhineng 1 : 捧气贯顶法 Pěng qì guàn dǐng fǎ "Take the Qi and make penetrate through the head"
- Zhineng 2 : 形神庄 Xíng shén zhuāng "Union of body and mind"
- Zhineng 3 : 五元庄 Wǔ yuán zhuāng "Postures of the five primordial agents"
and one advanced practice method
- Zhineng 4 : 健身太极球 Jiànshēn tàijí qiú "Taiji ball method to reinforce health"
(The practice starts at level 1 which prepares the individual for the next level and so on. More details on classes to come.)
(1) Institut du Qigong du Québec: https://quebecqigong.com/jianshen-qigong/
(2) Institut du Qigong du Québec: https://quebecqigong.com/zhineng-qigong/
For more information you can go to the websites:
- International Health Qigong Federation (English and Chinese) https://www.ihqfo.org/en/index.php
- Chinese Health Qigong Association (Chinese only https://www.chqa.org.cn/?fbclid=IwAR0BPOt4ewC1q_q6J1U-s9xpcnhDqHRMXmKKWmGaKn6ifx-burialVBO5wQ

It is important to note that, even though the important ties of Qigong practice with that of TCM, the Qigong instructors aren't necessarily doctors or specialized therapists, therefore if you are suffering from an important illness or pronounced physical or psychological symptoms it is important that you consult the appropriate health care professional, and also to inform you instructor of your condition.
More information to come on "Qi", the practice, the benefits, classes...
For information on research on the benefits of Qigong:
- Doctor Shin Lin, Mind, Body medicine research (https://mindbodylab.bio.uci.edu/
His personal email if you have any questions on the research ShinLin@uci.edu
- International Health Qigong Association https://www.ihqfo.org/en/index.php?p=news_list&lanmu=13&c_id=29
Joint page for more information on the instructor: https://hfreiki2.wixsite.com/dominic-reiki-usui/who-am-i
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you!

The three philosophies that have an influence on the Chinese culture.



(Origin India, but is integrated and holds an important place in Chinese culture)