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      Reiki is for life!

   Reiki & Holy Fire®

"Reiki" is a Japanese word that means "Universal Life Force" 

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Mikao Usui

Mikao Usui

Le Reiki Holy Fire

Holy Fire

(Note: Because the nature of Reiki is not easily described and because of the many ways Reiki was often presented in the past and even today, it remains very ambiguous for many people. I want to underline a couple points before you read further in order not to lead anyone in error.

1-For people interested in receiving a Reiki session - I reassure you that you do not need to believe in anything in order to benefit from it. It is a relaxing session for well being. You simply need to have an open mind about receiving an energy session.

2-For people interested in Reiki classes - we work with “concepts” that are not exact sciences. This must be viewed as a personal spiritual journey. You have no obligation to believe in anything either. However, you need to be open minded about discussing various concepts and exploring your spirituality through energy work. Classes are organized and taught in a progressive manor so that anyone can benefit from taking one and keep progressing according to the person's openness, experience and will to learn and explore in further depth.

See document "Demystifying Reiki" for Q/A.)

From the spiritual concept: Life energy is all around us and in every living being. Reiki is a universal energy with many aspects to it that many different peoples have been channeling for millenniums, and many different methods of using it have been developed. The word "Reiki" is also used to describe one of these methods as well as to describe one particular energy from the universal energy of which Reiki practitioners work with.

In the past Reiki was generally promoted as being for "healing" physical ailments, today we rather refer to it as soothing, appeasing to attain a state of well being. From the Reiki point of view, healing is not comprised solely of the physical, it is viewed spiritually, as a "holistic healing" that works on the whole person's being rather than a physical symptom and does not view the person as being separate from the environment, but rather linked as part of the whole. Everything is connected! 


You have to approach it from a spiritual perspective as an energy therapy that opens and soothes the mind, emotions and the body.

One must first understand that we are not just physical bodies, we are energy beings. Growing up in our culture we were educated a certain way and conditioned to close our minds and to not believe in this energy, thus, little by little our energy channels close causing blockages. Having energy blockages leads to consequences, it can cause someone to have less energy, to be less active, have blurry or confused thoughts, hold negative perceptions, have less confidence, become depressive; or the opposite, be hyper-active and anxious, have mood swings, have physical aches and pains, and many other symptoms. Long term blockages can even lead to sickness and diseases. All this can cause or amplify a lot of stress and inhibits the flow of our natural creative energies. It is important to realize that we are not separate from our environments, this stress also affects every aspect of our lives, whether it’s on the spiritual, mental, emotional or physical level. In order to free our creative essence and be healthy and whole one must be in harmony on all levels, the physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual.  Fortunately, it is not necessary to understand all the complexities of energy in order to benefit from it, there are those that remained open, have learned to channel this energy, and have developed methods of using it for the greater good of all. Usui Reiki is one of these methods.

You only need to be willing to admit to yourself that there is something greater than yourself and to be willing to seek to know and understand what “IT” is, through experimentation and practice. Reiki will lead you on a personal "holistic healing" journey. A journey of self exploration and discovery of your true self. A journey to discover and experience all aspects of Love. That is what Reiki is about, it is greater than any religious or scientific doctrine, it is the discovery of true existence.

(See document "A spiritual explanation to Reiki".)

Feel a little intimidated or uncomfortable by the "energy and/or spiritual" concept? The words "universal energy, energy beings, energy bodies, energy systems, spiritual energy or higher vibration energy and other terms of that nature". 

Don't worry, allot of people feel that way including myself when I first started. A common mistake in regards to what Reiki is and what it can do is to come in with strong preconceived ideas and big expectations and a lack of understanding of the true definition of the word “heal” and what it implies to heal fully. Healing is much more than just the physical. 

Often when people first hear about Reiki they feel/think that Reiki is very mystical and implies magical powers, they expect the practitioner to be a very special person who is perfect in every way with super powers and performs instantaneous healings like the Christ at the wave of the hand or like a magic wand.

It’s not so easy to find the “correct” words to properly and clearly describe Reiki, a description using certain words, terms and explanations may make sense to one person and seem like complete gibberish to another. At first I didn't fully understand those concepts either, and for me they were two separate things, it took me a long time to understand, but in the meantime that didn't keep me from receiving the benefits. There are many new studies demonstrating the benefits of meditation and energy sessions, what was once considered esoteric, metaphysical, or even mystical, now seems more real, physical  and accessible with the advancements of quantum physics and the holographic principle than before. To put it as simple as possible, if you are seeking to help yourself improve, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, Reiki offers all of that. The best way to approach Reiki whether you're thinking of trying a session or taking a class, is to let go of any preconceived ideas and have no expectations, except to relax and have a new experience. You simply need to be willing to experience it and keep an open mind. People come out of the experience feeling better and become happier and healthier as the process goes on.

Feel more comfortable with that? I encourage you to keep reading and keep an open mind.

You may also want to see document "Psychological approach to Reiki".


Reiki is an energy session that is simple, natural, soothing and safe. It can help with any situation and is used to improve all aspects of life. It is a fundamental part of reaching wholeness and contributes to attaining a state of well being and good health.

The body has the natural ability to heal itself, one of the main causes that impairs this natural mechanism is stress, which is usually due to underlying fears. The first thing that people notice about Reiki is that it relaxes and reduces stress. Reiki is a "whole body treatment" treating the person rather than the symptoms and has an effect on all levels. 


The transmission of energy is done through laying the hands on or above the recipient’s body. The practitioner acts as a simple channel and does not perform any physical manipulations. One simply lets the energy flow through, purifying and harmonizing the recipient on all levels of his being, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The recipient feels surrounded by a wonderful energy and a sensation of well being and security that is comforting and relaxing . One simply needs to remain open to receiving it.


It is not necessary to wait until you are in a crisis to receive Reiki, it can be given as prevention in order to maintain a healthy balance and state of well-being or as an on going process of personal development in understanding and releasing ones fears. Reiki acts as a guiding light and it respectfully adapts to the fundamental needs of each individual, assisting in personal growth and development. It can be used on its own or as a complement to any other form of treatment or therapy without any contradictions. It can also be given to animals and plants.


Some of the benefits of receiving Reiki

Based on clinical scientific observations, and practioner and patient testimonies.

- Helps to...

  • relax, reduces stress and ameliorate the natural healing process. Reduces recovery time after surgery.

  • improve sleep.

  • improve focus and memory.

  • improve digestion.

  • reinforce the immune system.

  • eliminate toxins.

  • reduce inflammation.

  • reduce high blood pressure.

  • relieve and/or soothe physical and moral pains.

  • dissolve energy blocks, release repressed emotions and acts on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual by freeing ones natural creative energies.

  • regain mental clarity and energy.

  • develop intuition.

  • maintain a healthy balance between body, mind, emotions and spirit.

  • and helps to calm, find peace and serenity, to light the way in order to have a smooth and peaceful transition for people in end of life.

The benefits of Reiki are amplified for a person that receives sessions regularly. They are much more pronounced and more than what is described here when the person is attuned as the individual receives it in permanence and see's the benefits increase again with regular practice.


For more information on scientific research on Reiki visit website:

For a publication of scientific research on Reiki you can purchase the booklet at:

For related articles:

  -  Reiki in Hospitals:

   -  The Science of Reiki:          fbclid=IwAR3aNxAAes_LRJhtgauMT0TkS6xU8jtM1E0gNqPSRoVuzLw1BrQLHml2m6M


The course of a Reiki session


There are two types of sessions, one that is "passive", where the recipient simply relaxes and lets the practitioner perform the session, and one that is "active", where the recipient participates in their own healing. Through the use of various advanced techniques used and guided by the practitioner, the active session is used most often to help clear up deeply rooted blockages, but can be used for any situation the person choses to work on, it will be more specific and powerful. 

During the course of a session the person states the reason/objective for their visit and may be asked to fill out a brief medical history. The practitioner will ask you if you are sensitive to touch, if so the entire session will be done with hands above your body. You remain completely dressed for the session and there is no touching of the private areas.


You then need to remove contact lenses, glasses and any other jewelry, then lie down on a massage table. You will be given a blanket and pillow for your personal comfort. For a complete session you will lie on your back first and the practitioner will ask you to turn over mid-session.


You need only relax and remain open to receiving the energy.


The practitioner will work with his hands over the person’s body working at different levels depending on the person's needs. He/She will rest his hands gently on the body where necessary, covering head to toe, pausing for 3 to 10 minutes on each location.


A session lasts between 45 and 90 minutes.

A period is kept at the end, or the beginning of the next session, for discussing what was experienced during, or/and between, the session(s).


Note: It is important to understand what a Reiki session consists of and what it does not.

Reiki does not guarantee a cure in the medical sense.

A Reiki session is between the person receiving the session and the energy that the practitioner is channeling for that persons good. The practitioner does not offer psychological advice, nor medical advice or diagnosis, nor prescribe medication, nor massage or manipulate the body in any way, is not a medium session and does not interfere with any decisions to be made (unless he or she has the necessary qualifications to do so and that he or she informs you prior to the session). He or she may however share information with you concerning the session, its benefits and its functioning in reference to your experience if you have any questions.

"Healing the whole person", personal development and growth is a continual process. Sometimes longstanding blocks or imbalances in the body require several sessions to reach the level of relaxation required for the body to reestablish itself. It is also possible that several sessions are needed in order for the recipient to experience and have a better understanding of how it functions and of its results. Sessions are case by case. At first 4-6 sessions at close intervals are recommended to establish a good baseline, then as needed from thereon. After establishing a baseline, active sessions may also be conducted if the recipient is open to participating.


There are no obligations, the recipient has the liberty to choose his/her own session plan. Reiki will always work in harmony with any decision the person will make. In the case of severe physical or psychological symptoms or diseases it is advised to seek out the appropriated health care professionals for further care and the elaboration of an appropriate health care plan tailored to the persons specific needs.

For more info. see document "Redefining the words "health" and "healing"".


Passive session vs active session

A passive session is when the person has absolutely nothing to do except relax and let the practitioner administer Reiki.

An active session is when the person participates in the session. The practitioner engages the person in the session through various “advanced techniques”.

  • Focused release - freeing the cellular memory

  • Psychic surgery

  • Healing attunement


Whether it’s for a certain ailment, a certain situation or certain bad habit, etc.; each one engages the person to participate to a certain degree and each one employs different energies that work more deeply and powerfully on the issue the person is seeking relief for.

Each technique can be used separately or in combination followed by a regular session.

Some of the benefits:

Helps to -

 - develop self love, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion

 - relieve emotional and psychological traumas from all kinds of situations

 - free from negative energies, attachments and spirits

 - free from ancestral and karmic blockages

 - clear the path to your goals

 - develop or deepen your spirituality


Ask your practitioner about an active session and how you can benefit from the advanced techniques.

Distance Session


Sometimes you have impediments, you live far away or you’re not in a condition to go out, you’re at the hospital etc., whatever the reason you can still benefit from a Reiki session. Since we are working on an energetic level, the session can be given at a distance. We set a date and time and you get in a comfortable position with soft relaxing background music that puts you in a receptive state. The practitioner uses a specific method allowing him to connect to your energy with the help of a photo and your name and conducts a session in the same manner and with the same benefits as if you were physically right in front of him or her.

Learning "Usui Holy Fire®" Reiki


First and foremost Reiki is part of a personal journey. You will be drawn or brought to it in one way or another at a moment when you are going to be ready to take the next step on your spiritual path. It is not a religion nor a sect, you simply need to be open to the possibilities that the universe has to offer. Spirituality is when an individual reaches a point in their life when they realize that there is something else other than the material world and seeks to truly understand it. Religion often requires that you follow set rules and to believe in something fixed and predetermined. With Reiki you are not required to believe, but rather have methods of experimentation that provide personal and real experiences for each individual so they may know for themselves. From this fact, it’s an energy that works with all religions and beliefs, it comes from the Source and is focused on universal Love and Light that it brings into our lives. There may be certain explanations that resemble that of religions, it is simply from a lack of vocabulary in trying to describe what energy is. It is difficult to describe what one feels when receiving Reiki and Holy Fire energy because it is much vaster than the comprehension and explanations that we can describe rationally, it’s rather something that needs to be experienced and felt. Our comprehension increases as we journey through the levels.

(For more information see page "SERVICES OFFERED")

For those that would like a more detailed and rational explanation of Reiki; in order to give you a basic general outline, I refer you to the science of quantum physics and the holographic principle. Some do not consider Reiki to be "real" and for some these are not considered to be "real science". I admit that the description is ambiguous and abstract to understand, however observations made are very real, if it where not real there would be nothing to observe, just because it's difficult to explain and even more difficult to prove in a concrete scientific way does not mean it is not real.  I must add that anyone who has delved into the world of Reiki can tell you that it's much more than what a scientific explanation can offer at the moment, as fascinating and enlightening as they are, keep in mind that the scientific explanations are only a tiny parcel of a vast infinite Universe yet to be discovered and explained; and sometimes the science is not always easy for scientists to describe either. They have the difficult task of proving physically what is not and translating into words that wich is unexplainable, to quantify and qualify in order to make understandable what isn't for most people. Some scientists will tell you that Reiki is nothing at all, some religions will tell you that it is God, or whatever name according to their belief, from this comes the expression " greater than any religious or scientific doctrine", as in either case neither can really explain it. The best way to approach Reiki is through a spiritual and personal point of view and the best way to understand what Reiki is remains to experience it. The more that we progress in the experience, the more that we realize that everything is spiritual, even science. Each person is free to think of it what they will.

I want to take this moment to express my gratitude and say a sincere THANK YOU to all researchers, past, present and future, from all fields, for your hard work and dedication towards finding answers.

Mikao Usui and Reiki


Reiki a Japanese method of transmitting energy through the hands, and using sacred symbols, which was developed by Mikao Usui in 1922 and has continued to evolve thanks to his successors to be the method that we use today.


Mikao Usui had discovered it during a 21 day fast and meditation. He was in search of his life purpose and had heard of a special state of consciousness where once a person had achieved it, not only would it allow one to comprehend  their life purpose, but would also guide them in achieving it. In this special state, the person is always at peace no matter what is going on in the world around them. It is from this state that a person achieves his life purpose. One of the special characteristics of this state is that it maintains itself without any special effort from the individual; the experience of this peace simply makes its way up from within spontaneously and is a form of enlightenment.


At midnight in the month of March 1922, on the twenty first day of his fast and meditation, a powerful light suddenly entered his mind from the top of his head and he felt like he had been struck by lightning and this caused him to loose consciousness.


As the sun rose, he awoke and realized that before he felt very weak and near death, he was now filled with an extremely pleasant state of vitality that he had never known before; a miraculous type of high frequency spiritual energy had displaced his normal consciousness and had replaced it with an amazing new level of consciousness. He experienced being himself the energy and the consciousness of the Universe and that the special state of enlightenment he had searched for had been given to him as a gift. He was overjoyed by this realization.


When this happened, he was very excited and ran down the mountain. On the way down he stubbed his toe on a rock and fell to the ground. In the same manor that anyone else would have done, he put his hands on the toe that was causing him pain. As he done this, energy started to flow from his hands on its own. The pain in his toe disappeared and he was healed. Usui Sensei was amazed by this. He realized that on top of the illuminating experience he had also received the gift of healing. From that moment he started to develop ways to practice and teach Reiki.

The complete story, and those of his successors is taught in level 1 training.



Reiki Training

Rituals to experience, concepts to contemplate and simple methods for working with Reiki to help develop intuition and for improving physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Reiki is energy work, working with Universal energy from the concept that everything is energy. It’s an investment in yourself that lasts a lifetime!

The classes are divided into progressive levels. Each level requires a little more practice and commitment. Traditionally there are 3 levels, but newer lineages have 4 levels. The class training starts at level 1, different lineages offer different teachings and experiences at each level. Although every lineage has its merit, it is always important that you take your time to inquire about your teacher and the classes he/she offers before deciding on any one “school of Reiki” in order to make sure that it will answer to your needs and is right for you.

The classes I offer are detailed and complete giving all the basics to build on in the following levels. There are experiences and methods taught that each person can benefit from at each level of training, each individual is always free to explore and journey as far as they are ready.

If you feel you are ready to embark on the journey to self discovery through a simple and natural method that extends beyond yourself and into your environment, then Reiki is for you. The first step is to get attuned to Reiki, this is performed by the Reiki Master in class along with training and guidance through each level.

The transmission of energy is done through initiations. The initiations, or more commonly called attunements and now called "Placements" since the Holy Fire II, are facilitated through a Reiki Master. They serve to connect a person to the Reiki energy and to open and purify ones energy channels so energy can flow more easily; these attunements also permit students to access and use the sacred symbols that work like keys to access different aspects of the energy. This connection and opening of the channels enlightens the student and brings them well being on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. In comparison, the attunments resemble a blessing or rite of passage, but in addition it's like something added.​

Level 1 :

This is the beginer level, the student learns all the basics and it does a general work. The student receives the attunement and learns about the history, origin and the functioning of Reiki. The student learns to connect to Reiki and everything associated, hand positions, self healing and also to conduct sessions with friends and family, animals, plants.


Level 2 :

This is the intermediate level, it works more deeply on the physical, mental and psycho-emotional aspects. The student receives the attunement and learns 3 sacred symbols, one of which is used for distance healing, one for the physical aspect, one for the mental and emotional aspect, how they work and how to use them; as well as a few more advanced notions on conducting sessions and practicing Reiki.


Level 3 :

This is the advanced level, it works more deeply on the spiritual aspect. The student receives the attunement and learns one symbol that is for the spiritual aspect and how to use it as-well as advanced techniques. Traditionally there were only 3 levels and the student learned to pass on the torch or in other words become a Master, the student learned to teach and give attunements. Certain lineages divided this level in two where the student becomes a Master practitioner, and only becomes a Master teacher at level 4.


Level 4 :

This is the final level of Usui/Holy Fire Reiki, it works on deepening the work in general from all preceeding levels. The student receives the attunement and learns to teach and attune all levels of Reiki.

Afterwards there are advanced classes that deepen the psycho-emotional aspects like Karuna Reiki and the spiritual aspects like Blue Star Celestial Reiki..


Personally, I teach advanced techniques in level 3 as-well as the fourth symbol, and I pass on teaching in level 4 as-well as the Holy Fire III World Peace. The Holy Fire is transmitted through what is called an “Ignition”. The ignitions and their teachings are passed on in level 4, in the previous levels the student receives what is called “Experiences” where the student has the opportunity to feel the benefits of this energy through meditations guided by and through the Master, this gradually prepares the student for the Ignition of the Holy Fire which is a higher level energy.

(For more information see page "RATES & CONTENT")

When deciding to take a Reiki class it is important to come to it open and willing to learn and to put in effort. It is also important to understand that you will not be able to know everything before we start, or that we will be able to explain everything in 5 minutes or one day or even more. Reiki is very much a process, one level at a time, the student, from where they stand in the moment, will grow in the process, a journey of self discovery, it is only after completing all the steps of the process will the student have all that they need, the tools and the right understanding of them and the process itself, to continue to deepen their practice. If you want to experience all that Reiki has to offer, first as a way of self discovery and later as self mastery, it is important to complete the whole training, all the levels in order to support you on your path.

Holy Fire®


Holy Fire® is a newly discovered energy, discovered by William Lee Rand in 2014 (A Reiki Master for over 30 years). It’s part of the Universal energy but has a higher vibration. Holy Fire and Usui Reiki energies work together. The Holy Fire energy is remarkably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness.

The term “Holy” in Holy Fire is not to be interpreted in a religious sense, but in the sense that it is “whole” or “complete” in itself. The word “heal” is derived of the word “whole” insinuating that in order to heal one must be whole. It is a spiritual energy that creates wholeness through purification, healing, inner strength and empowerment, guidance, love and gratitude.


Here are a few of the qualities listed that students have experienced with the Holy Fire (described in William's words):


  • Works continuously even when not thinking about it and dissolves problems spontaneously as they appear.

  • Always respects free will.

  • Souths profoundly and quickly without distress.

  • Improves relationships and interactions with others.

  • Releases worry and replaces it with a sense of security.

  • Spontaneously provides guidance that is palpable for every level of life experience.

  • Tends to develop all the personality traits that are healthy for a person to have such as love of self and others, kindness, patience, confidence, vitality, enthusiasm, optimism, trust, joy, peace and so forth.

  • One of the more wonderful effects is a feeling of being loved. This is a deep and refined nurturing.

  • Once received, it continues to develop itself to be more evolved and effective. 


These qualities are present in Reiki level 1 & 2 and become much more pronounced in level 3 & 4 and Karuna Reiki. A lot of these qualities described are present through Reiki as-well, with practice the student will be able to distinguish the two. 

Holy Fire® II

What we call "Holy Fire II" is an evolution of the Holy Fire energy, it is the same energy as before, however, it's at the Master level that things are different and in the way that the new Master will proceed for the attunements, they will now be called "Placements".

Holy Fire® III

What is called "Holy Fire III" is an evolution of the Holy Fire and Holy Fire II energy, the energy is enhanced. As for the teaching there is a slight change at the Master level.

Holy Fire® III Online & In-Person (OL & IP)

Upgrades the person's Holy Fire energy so that may teach online efficiently.

Holy Fire® III World Peace

Upgrades the person's energy in order to help the person cope with their emotions towards world events and to increase the person's vibration to help embody and instore peace in the world.

For individuals that are initiated and practice, Holy Fire helps (among other things) to heal from religious trauma and to deepen spirituality. The Reiki and Holy Fire energies bring purification and healing on all levels which facilitates the attainment of illumination and the process of ascension.

Holy Fire Karuna Reiki®

This is a "Master" class. Accessible once a Usui Reiki Master, the individual can be initiated to Karuna Reiki. Karuna is a word meaning compassionate action, therefore, Karuna energy is gentle and profoundly compassionate. The initiations elevate the Reiki and Holy Fire energy that the person works with and receives symbols to work more specifically in certain situations on one's self and in sessions on others.

Blue Star Celestial Reiki

Is a class based on the practice of Usui Reiki. The individual must have completed at least level 2 Usui Reiki in order to have the experience and energetic preparation necessary for this higher vibration energy. It is an intense energy and of ascension that opens consciousness and brings awareness to one's outer and inner environment, gradually leading to a deeper understanding and responsibility of the whole, greatly deepening the individuals personal practice and with others.

It is very important to take note of, that no matter the lineage or form of Reiki, only a « Reiki Master » can attune other people to Reiki. Only a Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master can attune people to this energy and conduct Holy Fire experiences.

(Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand)

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