Dominic Reiki Master

The JOURNEY is just as important as the DESTINATION, for without the journey we don't have the experience and without the experience we haven't learned what we need to in order to prepare us for our arrival at the destination. Furthermore, arriving at the destination without a journey is simply impossible. If you were to magically arrive at the destination without the journey you probably wouldn't know what to do, you wouldn't understand, you may not even know you have arrived. The journey is a process, some people engaged in the process don't even know of the destination beyond the process itself, the journey is the destination and it is revealed along the way, but not quite fully knowing, it requires faith in yourself and what you are doing, and especially in something that is greater than us.

Dominic Reiki Master

William Lee Rand and I at Stonehenge in 2015 after a "Holy Fire" Ignition
Who am I
Dominic Audet’s spiritual journey and path
Some of life's greatest rewards simply require a little faith
Reiki: With Reiki I witnessed my intuition expand. I felt a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual relief, a liberation, ever growing, which brings me joy, harmony, confidence, internal peace and serenity . It also brought me the comprehension and validation of my journey past to present, and enlightens me on my journey future.
At a young age I always knew there was more to it than what I was taught, I had a deep feeling of knowingness, security and guidance. I knew there was something else, a force, a shining light beyond what we can see with our naked eyes.
Brought up in an average Catholic family, I was familiar with the story of Jesus Christ and the existence of Angels, the “Our Father” and “Hail Mary” prayers but not much more. Growing up having no one to teach me or even validate, or attempt to explain what I was feeling, little by little I stopped listening to this guidance and I tried doing like everyone else.
I worked really hard in many trades for years. During all those years, I didn’t feel like I fit in and was unsatisfied, I didn’t express what was really inside of me, as I felt that no one was listening or understood me.
Little by little my health deteriorated and I had to stop working on several occasions, each time I returned to work with the fear that I wouldn’t make it if I followed the guidance that was still present inside of me. I could feel this guidance and I firmly believed in the light, but I didn’t know very well how to listen to what it was saying anymore. I remembered the prayers that I would recite with my father when I was little and I remembered people saying “Ask and you shall receive”, then I started to pray and ask for help.
I started receiving guidance once again, that I didn’t always follow out of fear or simply from misinterpretation, but slowly I began to follow and understand more and more.
After a series of coincidences I was guided to books and information on light workers, the Angels and Archangels. I received guidance that was growing stronger, dreams and premonitions. One night, an Archangel came to visit me and did healing on me, it was really a breathtaking moment, so powerful and full of wonder that no words can accurately describe.
Afterwards, I started making changes in my life, I had several mystical experiences and along the way my guides put Reiki on my path in 2012. At first I wasn't sure what Reiki was exactly or how it would help me, and my guides told me that it was a way for me to be able to continue what they had started and to do what they do, do like they had done for me in the past.
From that moment, my life started to move and change rapidly, even if there were events that didn’t seem like happy and beneficial situations, I understood the lessons that they brought me and it was for the best. Through these events and experiences I saw how I could help others.
I felt like a Phoenix that burns up and is reborn from his ashes. With Reiki my intuition grew much more and I learned to listen to my guidance and to trust in life, people and other resources came along my path to help me at each step and they taught me how to use Reiki to help me in every aspect of my life.
The more I move forward, the more life directs me on this path, I was guided to read books on many subjects like Astrology, Numerology, Dream analysis and other types of energy healing and healing arts, and to continue my training, starting with a course in the Human Anatomy and to complete my Master level Reiki.
I was guided to travel to England to complete my Master level, and in doing this I discovered the Holy Fire which was a pleasant surprise, I wasn’t really looking for anything else spiritually at that moment, but life put it on my path and it turned out to be a very revealing experience. After this, I made the decision to come forward, to speak about my story and to share what I do in order to reach as many people as possible, as I feel this is my life purpose, to travel to share and teach Reiki. I was also guided to add many things to the training in order to demystify Reiki to help people better understand all aspects of Reiki and the world of energy in which we live.
Life’s synchronicity ensures that everything works out step by step. I give sessions to people in person or at a distance and I now teach Reiki. I have devoted my entire focus on Reiki since 2014. I received hundreds of confirmations from people that had difficulty understanding and practicing Reiki. It became my calling as a teacher to clarify, structure and provide more experience to my students. What I teach now is far beyond any regular Reiki training that I know of.
Here is the link to view my registration as a Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki Master with the "ICRT".
As of October 18th 2015 I am now a Blue Star Celestial Reiki Master. Following that I was guided to adding complementary information in order to make this a more complete training and taught it for the first time in 2017.
Starting September 08, 2017, my classes are now what we call "Holy Fire® II". After-which I was guided to create a new class called "Reiki Immersion", which was taught for the first time in April 2018.
October 26, 2017. Creation of logo "ETERNAL REIKI, LOVE & LIGHT". Copyright property of Dominic Audet, all rights reserved.
It came to me as a very intense mystical experience, later I illustrated it inspired from sacred geometry. The logo is not affiliated to any religion. Briefly, it is simply the illustration of Reiki within creation, represented by geometric forms and colors. Reiki is Love and Light creating Harmony. Eternal transcends time and space, the energy continuos and infinit; love, compassion and positive energy a healing force, combined with light brings transformation and clarity. Like the pheonix being born of its ashes into a new and improved version of itself, a symbol of purification, healing and continual growth.
Through the course of 2017 from working with Blue Star Reiki, my guides put me through and taught me a ritual that we call "The Reiki Gift". It is not a Reiki session, nor is it an attunement, it is a small gift that helps create an energetic opening and sense of enlightenment within the person receiving it. I was guided to performing it for the first time publicly in New Caledonia in April 2018 on a trip there where I was invited to teach Reiki. May 2019 I returned for a second consecutive year while attending to even more people than the previous year with Reiki sessions and classes.
Starting October 2019 I am taking teacher training in Qigong in order to better unite the physical and spiritual. I completed in 2022 and am now able to share these teachings with my students. See website: https://hfreiki2.wixsite.com/qigongdominic
Since late fall 2019 I am a volunteer, providing Reiki sessions at the Hope & Cope wellness center in Montreal.
Upgraded to Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® World Peace, on July 17, 2022. All Usui and Karuna Reiki classes are now Holy Fire III WP.
Juin 6, 2024: 36 hours of general training with "la Fédération du Mouvement Albatros du Québec".
February 04, 2019. Note of gratitude: Since I have been practicing Reiki my life has improved on all levels, I am happier and healthier and in constant evolution. I started out being a guy who never reads or writes, to being a guy who now has a book shelf full of books on spirituality, energy healing, alternative medicine, astrology, numerology, dream analysis, etc., which I have read more than once. I went from signing my name once a week to cash my pay check, to writing SIX VOLUMES on Reiki and creating a web site, that I have also translated into French, all on my own with minimal computer skills. I am very proud of these accomplishments, more than any other thing that I have accomplished through-out my careers in transportation and construction. If I can do a 360, so can you! I am grateful for ALL my experiences and ALL that they have taught me.
You may wonder how my trades are an advantage to my new orientation. A few examples:
- As a mechanic I couldn’t fix a vehicle if I didn’t know HOW it worked. I couldn’t prevent a vehicle from breaking down if I didn’t know WHY it broke down in the first place.
- As a truck driver I spent hours and hours on end sitting with my entire focus on ONE task.
- As a carpenter I assembled all the components into a manifested creation.
This mindset and these skills allowed me to take my Reiki practice much deeper.
My experiences have enabled me to reach out to all types of people and to help make a difference. I am very grateful for the opportunities I have to share Reiki with all populations. Being guided to Reiki has been a life changer for me and I would be more than happy to assist you on your journey in the discovery of Reiki and of your true self.
The name of my web site
“Dominic Maître Reiki”
First the name is in French as I live in a province that is mainly French speaking; it translates to “Dominic Reiki Master”.
What is a Master? A Master is a person that seeks, that seeks to understand the how and why of things, why a certain thing is a certain way and not another, how does it work, why does it not work or not work well. A Master continually seeks to improve, to do things well and correctly to the best of his understanding and capacity. That does not make of him an exceptional and perfect being, but simply a person that has acquired a certain experience and that continues to be focused on and devoted to his task.
There are some that think that this is an egoistic title, but it is quite the opposite! Let me explain: “Master” is a name given that indicates a certain level of study, just as in Universities some complete a “Bachelors degree” others a “Masters” and others a “Doctorates”. The name indicates the level of study that the person has attained in a certain discipline. The person can always continue to learn, have new experiences and continue to evolve even after their training.
In Reiki the name “Master” is given after Reiki 3 training which is the last level in the traditional Reiki training system, or after level 4 in more recent lineages. It is a title given after a certain level of training and initiation to the energy, just as in the titles given after completing studies at a University that indicate the level of training attained.
In Japanese this level is called “Shinpiden”, which means “Mystery level teachings”. What is the mystery? It’s Reiki and the existence of the whole Universe that we are a part of and the realization that no matter what experience we have, we realize that there is always another step or doorway to go through, another level to attain, and that the mystery is never really completely resolved, we are in constant evolution. The more we dedicate ourselves to Reiki, the more it teaches us and helps us to evolve. It becomes a discipline.
The title was chosen in the intent of simplicity. So, to clarify my name is Dominic, my level of training is Master, and the discipline to which I am devoted is Reiki, quite simply.
Thank you!