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Blue Star Celestial Reiki


Blue Star Celestial Energy is the name given to an energy that comes to us through the Pleiades star system and which was worked with in Ancient Egypt.

Blue Star Reiki is advanced classes and attunements and is open to all those who have attained the Master level of Usui Reiki or at least level 2 for those that demonstrate the appropriate aptitudes. This type of Reiki energy and teachings requires that you have an open mind, willing to expand your consciousness, to be seeking truth, truth about our origins and origins of all things. This class brings in a different energy and will give you extra tools needed to support you on your Reiki journey bringing you to a better understanding and higher level of consciousness.


This system emphasizes galactic and spiritual healing, and is "a transmission of spiritual ability to bridge the gap between God and man known by some as “The Rainbow Bridge” enabling the adept to utilize this potential and to function at expanded levels of awareness”.


Blue Star consists of two Levels. There is one attunement for each level. There are seven practitioner symbols at level one and seven Master symbols at level two; plus there are several meditations and spiritual growth exercises found in the manuals. The symbols are channeled and are used for galactic and spiritual healing. This system reconnects us through the heart to Source and is used to bring about planetary healing. Sound is associated with each of the symbols as a key note/vibration is connected with each.


If you are familiar with and have been a practicing Usui Reiki practitioner for some time, Blue Star takes your work to a much deeper level. It is based on 5th-dimensional healing. A strong sense of balance between mind and heart is the key to manifesting with the Blue Star energy, which is said to be the vehicle for bringing peace and planetary healing as fast as it can happen. You must have at least a level 2 in Usui Reiki, a level 3 practitioner of 4 levels is preferable, with proof, have a satisfactory level of experience with the Usui Reiki symbols and techniques and demonstrate the appropriate aptitudes before proceeding to level 1 Blue Star. You MUST have obtained your Usui Master level training (the last level of your lineage) and be a practicing Master before completing the Master Blue Star level, as this is a very intensive course and requires one to have a working knowledge of the energy. Each level includes attunements and a detailed manual and certificate.



The Blue Star Celestial Energy was channeled to Reiki Master John Williams of South Africa by his guide Makuan during January 1995. Although Blue Star goes back to Egypt, it goes back even further to the Pleiades star system and carries a Pleiadian energy vibration.


John Williams initiated Reiki Master Teacher Gary Jirauch from America to the Master Level of the Blue Star Celestial Energy System on April 14th 1995. During the following months, John shared the syllabus information with Gary, and Gary spent many months meditating on the specific usage of the symbolism to be developed for the initiations and syllabus.


Gary went on to teach the Blue Star Celestial Energy, renaming it Blue Star Reiki. There are today a small number of Blue Star Celestial Energy Masters who are working to spread the Blue Star energy around the world.

One of the main differences between the Blue Star Celestial Energy system and other energy systems is the Blue Star helps the psychically advanced to access different dimensions of consciousness.




Whilst it is known in energy healing circles, the Blue Star has not attracted the mass following that Reiki has and has not suffered from the introduction of many variations on the theme. It has however, suffered from eBay style approach of sending attunements by distance with virtually no teaching contact between initiator and initiate. If you are looking for a Blue Star teacher, it is advised to check whether a prospective teacher learned face to face with his/her teacher or whether it was a “learning by distance” experience. If you find that a prospective teacher learned Blue Star by distance, it can be useful to check how many other energies the teacher learned by distance. This is because there are now a lot of internet based energy teachers around who have had little or no face to face teaching with any teacher and who have obtained most of their certificates by distance. There could be issues of quality of understanding with some of these teachers.


How Blue Star Celestial Energy may be worked with


  • Blue Star Celestial Energy is good to use in hands on healing situations for clients and for practitioners in the same way that people work with Reiki. It has a different energy vibration and different qualities to it, contains both electrical and magnetic energies, and contains the elemental energies of air, earth, fire and water, and links to sacred geometry. Anecdotal reports are that the use of Blue Star Celestial Energy helps to clear the mind and to sharpen mental awareness.


  • Because of the way that it helps reconnect to the Universal Dimensions of Consciousness, Blue Star Celestial Energy helps to bring these down into the healing situation and helps to facilitate healing on issues arising from the fragmentation and separation from the Universal Dimensions of Consciousness. This applies to self sessions and to sessions with clients.


  • The ability to reconnect easily with the Universal Dimensions of Consciousness provides the Blue Star practitioner who is psychically advanced with the opportunity to gain access to information held at this level and to interact with beings or entities which are not in physical incarnation. These are likely to vary from practitioner to practitioner, but this energy will give Blue Star practitioners the opportunity to walk with the Higher Beings and the Angels as they progress through life.


  • It is the easy re-connection to the Universal Dimensions of Consciousness that Blue Star Celestial Energy facilitates together with the ease with which this energy can be grounded into the physical dimensions that are the main characteristics that differentiate it from other energies. It also integrates the laws of attraction, of manifestation and much more!



The Blue Star Celestial Energy is taught in two levels in a similar format to Reiki. At each level an initiation into the energy is given. The intention is that each initiation gives the initiate an exposure to a wider frequency of the Blue Star energy.


The initiation process involves the teacher building a strong connection with the Blue star energy and transmitting it into the initiate’s energy field in such a way that the initiate can tune in and out of the Blue star energy at will.

Initiation into Blue Star can prompt healing within some people who are carrying emotional, mental, physical and spiritual stress, so by increasing the initiate’s exposure to the energy in two stages, any healing process that takes place is helped to be manageable rather than being an experience that is overwhelming. Teachings about the practice of Blue Star including the symbols associated with the energy come with each level. Blue Star Celestial Practitioners and Masters may add these symbols to enhance and empower their current Reiki practice.


After the initiations


Students are introduced and connected with the Blue Star energy at each initiation. As with Reiki initiations, this will flow through the body for several days or weeks after the initiation. Any emotional, mental or physical stress that a student has been carrying is likely to start to work its way out after the initiations. This can result in physical symptoms such as runny noses, headaches, aching in the limbs, itchy, and so on. Additionally, the clearing of students’ minds of day to day matters can result in the mind feeling as if it is elsewhere for a few days after initiations and it might be difficult to concentrate on day to day matters. These symptoms and sensations will reduce after a while.


Who is suitable to learn Blue Star?


Those who have a genuine interest in helping other people through energy work and those who wish to start a new spiritual direction in life will be suitable to learn Blue Star. It is strongly advisable that people learning Blue Star will already be proficient at Usui Reiki. This is because the energy works at a much higher frequency and it is better to work with a frequency that is closer to that of the physical body and to start integrating and developing a relationship and a feel for these energies, such as Usui Reiki first, rather than try to learn a much higher frequency energy that you may have difficulty understanding and sensing physically and therefore have difficulty developing a relationship with or integrating it. Furthermore, most of the techniques taught require prior knowledge of Usui Reiki.


Who is not suitable to learn Blue Star?


Blue Star practice requires practitioners to develop an appropriate relationship with the Blue Star energy and with their clients. All Blue Star teachers have a responsibility to ensure that they teach only to people who will respect the Blue Star energy, which means that being a Blue Star teacher is not primarily a business opportunity. Those whose main motivation to learn Blue Star is to earn money, accumulate certificates or that seek to learn only by accedemic means are not the right people to learn Blue Star.


My Observations


The information above is the suggested informative text on Blue Star. As you have gathered from the information above this is a system that the masses have not been draw to. My personal observation from working with this energy is that it attracts a lot of star seeds. However, it is for everyone that is ready to further their spirituality and comprehension of energy. It requires devotion to the practice and its comprehension. You need a good sense and feel for different energies as this energy works on very high planes. I feel it working on much deeper levels like on our energy grids rather than our physical body’s. It definitely has a vast spectrum of possibilities and has many connections with Ancient Egypt, sacred geometry, cymatics, merkaba, the flower of life, Archangel Raziel, Melchizedek, the Pleiadeans and others. Not only does this energy help you reconnect to the Universal grid and with Source, but it can also provide insight as to your origin and can take you into other dimensions and further your personal growth, augment your intuitive senses, astral travel, increase your ability to manifest and sense of oneness. It leads to and supports you in the illumination and ascension process.


In comparison to Usui Reiki, Usui Reiki is like the first step or introduction to Reiki and gradually prepares you step by step, gradually purifying and increasing your vibrations to higher levels thus reaching a higher level of consciousness at each step. To give you a mental image we could say that Usui Reiki works on the connection of your soul to your body, Holy Fire works on you higher self to your soul and Blue Star works on the connection from your higher self to the Source from your physical body through the Universal Grid.


The notes that we use to teach have only just recently been put into neat electronic formats, the original notes had a lot of hand written side notes and drawings and was still under development. From working with this energy, and in light of the new planetary shifts and shifts in energy, I can say that more and more people are awakening and are ready to take the next step. I feel a calling to further develop this system and provide clearer notes and instructions as how to use it.


After a spiritual retreat in Greece in 2016 I spent a lot of time working with this energy, I made much progress with it and have formulated many teaching notes in order to better support my students in their training.


Feel free to contact me if you need any more information on this subject.


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